Palm Springs picture
Palm Springs: Painted Canyon Trail

Rating *****
length 5.1 mile - 2 hour 15 minutes (round trip). Moderate.
Height 600 - 1290 feet
Access In the town of Mecca take 66th Ave / Box Canyon Road. Just after going over the All American Canal, turn left on a signed dirt road. A big sign indicates four wheel cars only, but in dry years the road is normally safe for all cars. As we did in October 2008. Park at the end of the road in a parking area
Other Trails None
Data To download these files, right-click the link and choose 'save as' |--| .GPX (GPS file) |-----| .KML (Google Earth file)

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  • The left canyon is the Little and the right is Big Painted canyon.
    Enter the Little Painted Canyon [B], the canyon is mostly unmarked (don't get lost), stay on the right ot the canyon most of the way.
    The trail ends at a dry waterfall, scramble uphill to the right and follow the trail east.
    Don't take the trail on the right but go strait on (a bit to the left). Go down into the Big Painted canyon and head right (south).
    At point [J] there are 2 ladders that are easy to pass. Crossing [K] with ladder canyon to the right and reaching the end [L].

    Disclamer: Read this first before you start your hike.
    Contact: usa/at/e/f/m/e/r/.eu (leave out the /)
    All hikes recorded on pocket loox (pocket PC) using gpsTuner(.com)
    Hiking Painted Canyon Trail Mecca, Palm Springs Area California, Hike with gps, gpx and kml (Google Earth).